Change to the pop-up design and position, places some of the pop-ups in the top left corner,they do not obscure the action as much.HOI3 has a very ambitious scope in that it puts. You can choose to lead any of the major, and many of the minor nations of the time. Hearts of iron 3 is a Grand strategy game set in the period leading up to and including world war 2. Reviewed in the United States on June 22, 2011. Map relief effect to colormap_political.dds map, a graphic effect made by manipulating a world relief map to fit the HOI3 colormap_political.dds map, allowing for some compromises it works pretty well but consider it only a graphic enhancement it has no game play impact. 4.0 out of 5 stars Hearts of Iron 3 review.Does not affect the size of the counter only the graphic. New counters, increased the size of mapcounters to allow for more detail but only for those that can be represented by an object such as ships and planes see screen shot below.

New counter background simplified and with slight shading.New water.fx to allow the sea colour to show more clearly and again a slight lessening of the FOW.New terrain_2_0.fx to lessen the darkness of the FOW (does not remove the FOW), helps to create a more uniformed appearance for the map and also to allow the colours for the different map types to stand out.New province.bmp and river.bmp which attempts to fix most of the minor graphical problems with the vanilla map.Includes other terrainsheets that you can rename for your own style, see alternative texturesheets folder in my map\terrain folder.A new and more detailed map to work with the new texturesheets and other files from the terrain folder.An attempt to make the different terrain types more apparent and to create a more map like feel for the game.