
Metro last light pc edit save
Metro last light pc edit save

metro last light pc edit save

Seeing those bodies there afterward was chilling. As it plummeted toward the earth, everyone was screaming, praying, crying. A few moments later, missiles poured from the heavens, and the initial blast of the impact stripped the plane of power.

metro last light pc edit save

As we moved into the cockpit, a vision flooded Artyom's mind: the pilots, and everyone on the plane, were alive. Most had been turned to ash, still sitting in place. Inside, charred human bodies remained strapped to the seats they perished in. We saw one of these events ourselves during a mission that had us searching for supplies from within a downed plane on the Earth's surface. Occasionally you'll catch a glimpse of an apparition out of the corner of your eye-sometimes you'll hallucinate events that happened right as death rained from the skies above Moscow. You'll encounter plenty of ghostly visionsĪdding to the game's creepy, dark vibe are the ghosts and imprints of long-dead humans obliterated by nuclear explosions. This, of course, is no easy task, and he'll have to overcome the dangers of the metro and the Earth's surface alike if he hopes to do so. But rumors are floating around that a single Dark One has survived, and Artyom is tasked with finding the creature. Artyom struggles with this act on a daily basis, having discovered their true intent moments after wiping them out. You see, the Dark Ones wanted to form an alliance with the survivors of the metro to build a new life on the surface of the Earth they could provide protection in exchange for the labor required to recreate civilization, as the Dark Ones no longer had the ability to create or use technology. Metro 2033 spoiler: Those who finished the first game will recall that Artyom had a choice at the end to either destroy the Dark Ones-friendly psychic mutants that were misinterpreted to be hostile-or allow them to live. Artyom, the hero of Metro 2033, returns as Last Light's protagonist a mere year after the previous game's events.

Metro last light pc edit save